2025: Financial support is still available for our Veterans and Active Military

Improving Brain Health by fixing the root causes.
Our Protocols Your Improvement.
2025: Financial support is still available for our Veterans and Active Military
Our Protocols Your Improvement.
Since 2016, we have been bombarded by political and social media that has generated unrest in many of us. Understanding how these forms of mental stressors can induce a condition similar to PTSD, can provide a means for treatment.
The Influence of Media on Behavioral Health in America (pdf)
DownloadIn July of 2022, the combined efforts of the Millennium Health Centers and Warrior Angels Foundation - the MWAF, led to the submission of a proposed solution for the mitigation of Mental Health issues in our Veterans' community and applicable in our civilian community. The Mission Day Break Project supported by the VA, sought submissions to address a final solution to suicide prevention in our military. We offered a proposal that had been at the core of the collaboration with MWAF since 2015. The assessment is based upon specific biomarkers whose results help to direct a treatment protocol that is focused on the causation of symptoms associated with both traumatic and non-traumatic brain injuries (depression, anxiety, bipolar, and cognitive decline). There exists clear pathophysiologic changes in the biochemistry of the brain that continues to be ignored in lieu of masking the symptoms with medication. Read the submission about a solution that already exists. Mark L. Gordon, MD and Andrew Marr, MBA (ret. Army) and Andy Riis (ret.Army)
The Mission Daybreak Submission 2022 (pdf)
DownloadIn patients with a history of a mild concussion (mTBI), they frequently present with symptoms of Fatigue, Insomnia, and Depression. They were commonly treated with stimulants, sleeping pills and antidepressants. Looking for the science to explain the mechanisms causing this Triad, we found that: Neuroinflammation causes the inactivation of two important enzymes responsible for the production of Serotonin and Melatonin; L-Tryptophan Hydroxylase and L-Tryptophan Decarboxylase. Without these enzymes we cannot make the natural anti-depression neurotransmitter Serotonin which then becomes Melatonin leading to insomnia. Since the Tryptophan is not converting to these chemicals, Tryptophan builds up (Thanksgiving Turkey Effect) causing fatigue. Over time, a key metabolite of Tryptophan becomes neurotoxic causing Headaches, Migraines, increase Pain, and further Depression.
It appears that my anxiety has disappeared, plus some other changes have happened - logic and reason is much improved. Impulsive behaviour decreased in a big way. Ability to relax alone, without the need for alcohol or other substances, seems to have returned. These things have all been hourly and daily battles for me for a long time. I'll keep you updated, I'm still being super skeptical as there have been some other recent changes to my behaviour that may be contributing to the improvements.
If what I am experiencing is attributable to the supplements, I need to get some to a couple of friends ASAP.
H K - Veteran, UK
Cognition and memory improvements are substantial, obvious to myself and people who know me, but sleep has dropped to 5 hours max with 4 hours or less being average. At the start of the protocol the effects were almost immediately noticeable. The first three days were objectively amazing for me cognitively, with the sudden improvements tapering into consistent noticeable improvement, albeit at a much more relaxed pace up to this point. I am no longer using several adaptive changes I had to make to mask my deterioration, one of which was calling everyone "Bud" or "Buddy" including my children because I was not reliably remembering names or pronunciation for people I have known for decades.
JD 48y/o. - Veteran, USA
My mother is 66 years old and was diagnosed with progressive Alzheimer's Disease about 6 years ago. She started showing signs of her disease about 10 years ago. We started mon on the Tri-Pak 5 weeks ago. Within just a few days my mom was speaking words more clear and was more "lively" and wanted to try and help do things around the house. Before starting the Tri-Pak my mom mumbled words and you couldn't understand her very well & she didn't try to do things. After 5 weeks of taking the Tri-Pak she is definitely better than before started them. You can just see the difference in her and it truly warms my heart seeing something finally actually working. She is able to answer questions that we ask her that she was not able to answer before. I know this works different for everyone, but I know that this is working for my mom & making a difference for her.
Carvedguncreations: Instagram
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